Sabtu, 06 Juli 2019

Hi again, I guess?

The first draft is the hardest. Especially when you've stopped writing for 6 years. LOL.


I thought this blog would be just forever abandoned (since no one writes blog anymore now..) But as someone who used to blog and write a lot for almost 10 years, I guess there will always be part of me that longs to come back here again and again...

I know I needed a place to write something more-- not just a caption on Instagram or a short 280 words tweet on Twitter (though I also hate the facts that now those two platforms are cluttered with so many gossip and hate accounts ugh).

I might coming back here again anytime soon! Let's just hope it's not a phase :P

Signing out now!


Senin, 15 Juli 2013

Hi again!

Belakangan ini.. atau bisa dibilang 2thn belakangan (that's quite a long time) I decided to be a passive blogger: blogwalking dan asyik sendiri baca tulisan orang tanpa pernah peduli sama comment di blog sendiri atau sekedar sign in ke dashboard blog ini. Simpel saja, rasanya terlalu arogan untuk menulis tentang diri sendiri tetapi ilmu yang dipunya juga belum cukup untuk menulis tentang hal lain.
Namun rasanya sedih juga kalau blog yang dibangun susah payah ini dengan segala jatuh bangun harus berhenti di tengah jalan. So hi again, peeps.Semoga tulisan disini bisa (setidaknya) membuat kalian tersenyum lag :-)